Conklin Clinics


 Purchasing a quantity of 4 is recommended for optimal results.


Kybella, also known as Deoxycholic acid, is a man made version of a similar substance your body creates to help it absorb fats. Deoxycholic acid works by destroying fat cells where it is injected into the body. Kybella is used to help decrease the appearance of fat that hangs below the chin, also referred to as a “double-chin”. Administered with multiple small injections, Kybella sculpts your chin and is designed to destroy the excess fat in your chin area and reduce the “full” appearance you see.



Surgery used to be the only option to remove excess fat beneath the chin. Kybella, however, offers a less extreme treatment option. Through a series of small injections under the chin, a practitioner can alter your appearance to your satisfaction.


While the exact number of injections will vary based on your personal body type and size of the area to be treated, the procedure typically takes about 20 minutes. Afterwards, there is essentially no downtime associated with the treatment and the side effects are typically minimal.

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